Hello Everyone and Everything...
How is everybody?
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Chris Violence (lead singer and
frontman) has left Cessation Of life to pursue other ventures in life. Chris was
one of the founders of Cessation Of life and was the only remaining member that
was still leading the troops to the frontline of metal.
Chris along with former drummer Ron Ostlund, created the concept of Cessation Of
life back in the mid 1990's. Thier idea was to form a band that delivered high
velocity speed metal to the masses, and they did it with 16 years of thrash
metal, 4 full lengh albums, 5 eps, 1 live album, 7 U.S. tours, and international
cd compilations and 100s of shows.
Chris is more than an outstanding frontman and musician. He is our great friend
and our brother in metal. Most importantly, he is and will always be our tribe
member. We wish Chris all the best and great success on every road he travels
and with every endeavor he pursues.. He will truly be missed. Thankyou very much
Chris, We love you brother.
One of the things that Chris had said to me was, he hoped that the remaining
members would continue to play on.
The remaining memebers Justinsane, Marty Mostad, and Machinegun Mike, had a
meeting and it was decided that we will march forward. It was agreed that since
Cessation Of Life was Chris's creation, the name will stay with him.
We are Happy to annouce that we have created a new band...
We are comming to you with new music and a new attitude. We promise to deliever
the goods to you as Cessation of Life did. We have a new facebook page for
Triturabis.. it is Triturabismetal, and it will launch in 4-5 days. also, we are
developing/creating a web site. the new site is
www.triturabis.com and also will launch
in a week or so. please go to your facebook page and like us and you will be the
first to find out the lastest on news, new music and upcomming shows and events.
Thankyou all for your continuing support. HORNS UP!!!!!!!!!
February 7th, 2013
Chris Violence
here. I want to personally thank all the fans that have
supported Cessation Of Life over the years. I want to let
you know that I am putting down my microphone as the lead
singer of Cessation Of Life. It has been a wild journey to
get to this point and again I want to thank you. I also want
to thank all the musician’s I have played with over the
Since being
involved with the creation of Cessation Of Life back in the
mid 1990’s I have had the privilege of playing all over the
United States which gave me the opportunity to meet many
incredible personalities that I would have never come in
contact with. From playing the LA music scene to recording
in New York, it has been a long journey. Again, I want to
thank all the fans for their support over the years.
I know your
probably wondering what Justin, Marty and Mike will be
doing. They are currently putting a project together and
news on that will follow soon. So be prepared!
NEW MUSIC just released ! ! !
The track FULL FONTAL ASSAULT has finally been released for your consumption!
Radio stations around the world are now getting copies of this new track and of
course, you can hear it right here on
www.CessationOfLife.com. Very soon this track will be made available for
download. Check back here often for more updates.
November 29th, 2012
On Monday December 3rd, 2012 Chris
Violence will be on the Hard Beyond Driven Radio show at
to help Mike Lazaris
celebrate 18 years on the air. You can tune in 10am-1pm (EST), 7am-10am (PST) to
check it out. Also, if you go to
Metal Messiah Radio you can get in the chat room and chat with Mike and
Chris LIVE. Chris will be talking about the long correlation between Hard Beyond
Driven and Cessation Of Life as well as the new C.O.L. album and Mike will be
playing a brand new Cessation Of Life song.
Mike and Justin talk about the
next show and the Holidays...
CESSATION OF LIFE has been chosen
to compete in this week's Battle for Band Of The Week. KOSHER METAL will play
one song from us and one song by the other competing band during the live show
TONIGHT (Tues 10/23/12) sometime b/w 7pm-9pm Pacific Time. KOSHER METAL will
then direct people to go vote at the KOSHER METAL website for who should win.
The song will also be available to stream from the KOSHER METAL site, for those
who aren't able to listen to the live show. People can only vote ONCE from a
computer, won't work on mobile unless the device supports Flash. The voting will
last until the following Monday night at 8pm Pacific Time and we'll announce the
winner soon after.